Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween!!! Jacob will be dressed as cookie monster tonight as we travel around to see family. He loves his costume that mom-mom made for him. I'll post pictures tomorrow. The pediatrician's office is dealing with the praxiar bill so it should all be resolved soon. I'm trying not to think about it until I hear back from them what's next. Nothing else to share right now. I'll post pictures later.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
You've got to be kidding me
Today I received a notice from our insurance company saying we owe $1648.00 for when Jacob has the pulse oximeter. WHAT? They were supposed to cover it. We did have it a lot longer then we were approved for but that was because the people at Praxair never came to get it. I called them before we moved and then never received a call back until August! There is no way we will pay this! I was so angry that Dan is calling the pediatrician's office to find out what we were approved for and see what we need to do. My blood pressure is probably through the roof right now!!!!
Monday, October 22, 2007
You know when you have an almost 2 year old funny things will happen. I was reading for school when I needed to look something up. I figured Jacob's playing really good by himself it would ok since the computer is in the family room where he was playing. After only what seemed like 1 minute I couldn't find him. Then I heard him talking. He was in the far corner hiding behind the couch and end table so I couldn't see him. He had gathered up all his balls and favorite toys. Then He found the phone...the real phone. He was talking on it too. He had actually dialed. I have no idea who he was talking to, but at least we have free long distance. Lets hope he stayed with in the US!
He also was very good at taking turns with Jack today and even gave Jack 2 hugs! He's finally starting to like the little guy! YAY! My life is getting a little easier.
He also was very good at taking turns with Jack today and even gave Jack 2 hugs! He's finally starting to like the little guy! YAY! My life is getting a little easier.
I read somewhere that kids Jacob's age learn on average 20 words a day! I think it might be true for my little guy. He always repeats the last words of sentences that we say. A lot of the time it's a word we've never heard him use!
Last week he had another episode of wheezing. We went to the pediatrician who thinks he might have asthma. We just need to watch and wait. I really hope it's not asthma, although I know so many people live very normal lives with asthma. I still don't want anything to be wrong with my little boy! He is just so precious. Now just a few pictures from the fall fest at church.

Last week he had another episode of wheezing. We went to the pediatrician who thinks he might have asthma. We just need to watch and wait. I really hope it's not asthma, although I know so many people live very normal lives with asthma. I still don't want anything to be wrong with my little boy! He is just so precious. Now just a few pictures from the fall fest at church.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Just a couple
On saturday we went to the pumpkin patch. Jacob had a blast. Jeremy , Bozena and Sarah went with us. The two of them were so cute running through the pumpkin patch and riding on the tractor.

On sunday afternoon we went to a baby shower for a good friend of Dan's, EJ. Jacob loves EJ because he's a kicker in football. We taught Jacob to kick the ball like EJ and he does. EJ and his girlfriend loved it. Jeremy, Bozena and Sarah were there too and Jacob and Sarah played together really well. They were chasing each other and just had a lot of fun. It was great to see them interacting so well. It's going to be nice that they'll grow up together.
On sunday afternoon we went to a baby shower for a good friend of Dan's, EJ. Jacob loves EJ because he's a kicker in football. We taught Jacob to kick the ball like EJ and he does. EJ and his girlfriend loved it. Jeremy, Bozena and Sarah were there too and Jacob and Sarah played together really well. They were chasing each other and just had a lot of fun. It was great to see them interacting so well. It's going to be nice that they'll grow up together.
Friday, October 12, 2007
I'm bored. I studied for a little while, but I needed a break. I guess I can share some photo's I finally uploaded.

There you go. My little man. He has been so crazy lately I can barely keep up. He talks like crazy, even in short sentences and he can identify almost all of the letters now. He's so much fun!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
We're having a.....
GREAT DAY! I bet you all thought something different! Everyone keeps asking me when are we going to have another baby or are you pregnant. No I am not pregnant. I thought I'd just have some fun with everyone since I feel like I'm going to go crazy from all the questions. This is one of the big reasons I've been trying to loose weight. I never lost all of the baby weight so in certain clothes I look like I am at the beginning of a pregnancy! Anyway. We are having a good day. Jacob is playing really well by himself allowing me time to relax. I haven't been feeling great ( another reason for people to ask ). I've been having headaches again leading into migraines and nausea. Today's not too bad yet. I think I'm spending too much time on the computer studying for school. I have an exam tomorrow so I really need to study. Anyway, I'm going to get back to my son and keeping him out of trouble. I'll post some pictures later if I get a chance to get them off the camera.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Fun times
Yesterday we went to the park to play on the playground. Jacob really enjoyed himself. I wanted to take him down the slide but it was wet at the bottom. He had a lot of fun swinging on the swings and climbing around.
Here are some pictures Dan took while I was at work on tuesday night. Jacob climbed into the bottom of our TV stand. He's so silly.
On Saturday we will finally get out estimate for central air conditioning. I hope it's a good one. We are going to try really hard to save up the money for it and have it installed by the spring. We also have a few little odds and ends that we are going to do around here. As soon as we can get a nice piece of wood we can take out the built in hutch that's just really annoying and make it more like a serving station. It's really nice brick on the bottom so we just need a top for that and we can take off the hutch. Hopefully we can do that in a few weeks.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Where do they get their energy?
Jacob has gotten so crazy lately. He could just run back and forth across the room like 15-20 times. And our family room is really long! He's starting to have form when he runs, like a big kid. It's so weird. He used to just bounce but now he bends his legs more. I can't believe how much he's grown. He learns new things everyday. He knows almost all his letters and can identify them in a book, and knows a word that begins with them. He only has a few more letters to learn. We are working on learning to sing our ABC's. He can count to 3 now also. His vocabulary is huge that I can't even count how many words he says, and he speaks pretty clear these days also. He can say short simple sentences when he wants to. He also knows some sign language and we are probably getting him some sign language DVD's so we can all learn more. He's a smart kid ( at least that's what I think). He can finally jump too. For the longest time he would only get 1 leg off the ground, now he can get them both up! He can kick a football really far and get it in the air. And boy can he ever throw! He has got quite an arm. Everyday I wonder where he gets so much energy. We eat mostly the same things and yet he has twice as much energy than I do. I can't keep up with him sometimes. I love that kid. I really love him!
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